- stationery
- socks
- candy
- beef jerky
- playing cards
- silly string
- crepe paper to decorate cabins
- wet wipes
- granola bars
- hand-held fan
- sunscreen
- lip balm
- face paints
- nail polish
- water balloons
- stickers
- friendship bracelets
- chewing gum
- temporary tattoos
- address book to fill with new friends' info
- glow sticks
- bandanas
- antacids (because you know they're eating junk)
- toothbrush (because you know the original has been lost)
- photo of the family pet
Summer Camp Care Packages
In the coming weeks, kids across the country will be shipping off to summer camps for fun and adventure in the great outdoors. While they're away, why not surprise them with a much-needed, much-appreciated care package from home? Other than home baked cookies (the primary staple of all care packages), here are a few fun, inexpensive ideas to bring a smile to their undoubtedly dirty faces: