Do you ever make a batch of cookies so beautiful, it almost seems a shame to eat them? These holiday cookie ornaments are so pretty, they belong on your Christmas tree! Plus, they smell amazing. This is a fabulous holiday craft to do with the kids, and an extremely budget-friendly way to decorate the tree. (Yes, they look good enough to eat, but they're actually non-edible. So keep the kids from snacking!)
Cinnamon Cookie Ornaments adapted from Martha Stewart 1 1/2 cups ground cinnamon 1/4 cup applesauce 8 oz. (one large bottle) white school glue cookie cutters drinking straw glitter, confetti, or sprinkles for decoration Directions Preheat oven to 200 degrees. In a mixing bowl, combine 1 cup cinnamon with the applesauce. Once you have a mealy texture, pour in 1/2 cup of white school glue and mix until well combined. Allow dough to sit 1 hour. Sprinkle a thin layer of cinnamon on a clean surface and roll out dough to 1/8 inch thickness. (If dough is sticky, add cinnamon. If dough is too dry, spritz with water.) Cut out desired shapes with cookie cutters, then cut out a small hole for ribbon or wire with the drinking straw. Bake for 2 hours, turning cookies over halfway through. Once cool and dry, use glue and glitter or sprinkles to decorate cookies. Allow to dry thoroughly before wiring. Cookies will last several years if stored in tissue and bubble wrap.